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Jordan Powell

Founder/Head Coach


Jordan spent years dealing with a laundry list of symptoms that no doctor could solve. 12 years on Birth Control and working a sedentary corporate job left this long time athlete with 30 extra pounds she just couldn’t lose. The weight gain was only the beginning of the side effects of transitioning off of HBC which led to an even harder road of hypothyroidism, gut imbalances, irregular cycles and adult acne. Tired of the same story of “eliminate this and do more cardio” given by every practitioner, she decided to do her own research to begin her journey back to health. These struggles launched an insatiable hunger for more education and a burning passion for women’s health and wellness. What started as a hopeless attempt for answers to her own health issues has become the foundation of everything she preaches at Carbs Over Cardio. Never again will any woman believe the only answer to their weight issue is to eliminate all the foods they love, kill themselves on the elliptical and suffer the symptoms in silence.

About Carbs Over Cardio


My commitment is to guide my clients towards sustainable habits, positive relationships with food and exercise, and lifelong success. My holistic approach to well-being addresses not only physical health but also mental and emotional wellness. Together, I believe we can bridge the gap between physical and mental health, ensuring that frustration and setbacks are replaced with confidence and lifelong self-sufficiency.

I work to customize training, nutrition, and behavior change strategies for each and every individual client on my team. I stand against quick fixes and empty promises, instead - valuing education, personalization, science, and mental health.



At Carbs Over Cardio, I'm on a MISSION to help those with minimal time, lose fat and repair their metabolism without restriction.

My most successful clients share my company's core values and take ownership of their journey.

On this team, we value Resiliency. Authenticity. Integrity. Courage.